1. Guidelines for Oral Presenters
Preparing your content
  ▪ The duration of a regular presentation is 15 minutes including 12 minutes of presentation and 3 minutes of Q&A.
  ▪ Please check the aspect ratio of your slides is 16:9 (widescreen) or save to this ratio.
  ▪ If there is any video component in your ppt, please ensure it is embedded into the ppt.
  ▪ Ensure that your presentation aligns with the conference theme, with a clear introduction and objectives.
  ▪ Consider which aspects of your presentation may be of most interest to those attending.

  ▪ Allow time for questions and answers within your allocated presentation timeframe.
  ▪ Provide one or two questions for your Chair to help kick off the Q&A section.

Before your session time
  ▪ Check the live program to confirm your room and session time.
  ▪ Please allow sufficient time to arrive at your session to meet your session Chair.
  ▪ Please upload your presentation to the conference computer at least 15 minutes before the scheduled presentation session.

2. Guidelines for Chairs
The Chair has a key role to play for the smooth running and success of the session. The key aspects of the Chair’s role are to:

  ▪ Ensure the session starts and ends on time, and timing of presentations is followed.
  ▪ Introduce the session topic and welcome each speaker.
  ▪ Prepare relevant opening and closing remarks for the session.
  ▪ Facilitate question and answer time (if possible, acquire one or two questions from the speakers in advance to kick off the Q&A).
  ▪ Make sure all speakers and audience questions can be heard.
  ▪ If requested, convey any information and housekeeping notes from the conference organisers to those attending the session.
  ▪ Session chairs should check the online program for details of the presentations and speakers in the session they are to chair. Close to the event, please check again as details may have changed.

3. Guidelines for Poster Presenters
  ▪ Please prepare a printed poster to bring to the conference for display.
  ▪ The poster should be designed in portrait layout and printed in A1 size.