Prof. Hong Zhang
Fellow of lEEE, Canadian Academy of Engineering
Southern University of Science and Technology, China
Dr. Zhang received his BSc from Northeastern University (Boston) and PhD from Purdue University, both in Electrical Engineering. From 1988-2020,
he was on the faculty of the Department of Computing Science, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada. Dr. Zhang joined the Department of Electronic and Electrical
Engineering, Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech) in Shenzhen, China in 2020, where he is currently a Chair Professor and Director of the Shenzhen
Key Laboratory on Robotics and Computer Vision. Dr. Zhang's research interests include robotics, computer vision, and image processing. Among his services in the international
robotics community, he was the Editor-in-Chief of IROS Conference Paper Review Board, a flagship conference of the IEEE Robotics and Automation Society (RAS), from 2020 to
2022. Currently, he is serving a three-year term on the Administrative Committee (AdCom) of the IEEE RAS, from 2023 to 2025. Dr. Zhang is a Fellow of IEEE and a Fellow of
the Canadian Academy of Engineering.
Prof. Sam Kwong
Fellow of lEEE, AAIA
Lingnan University, Hong Kong
Professor KWONG Sam Tak Wu is the Chair
Professor of Computational Intelligence, and concurrently as Associate
Vice-President (Strategic Research) of Lingnan University. Professor
Kwong is a distinguished scholar in evolutionary computation, artificial
intelligence (AI) solutions, and image/video processing, with a strong
record of scientific innovations and real-world impacts. Professor Kwong
was listed as one of the top 2% of the world’s most cited scientists,
according to the Stanford University report. He was listed as one of the
most highly cited scientists by Clarivate in 2022 and 2023. He has also
been actively engaged in knowledge transfer between academia and
industry. He was elevated to IEEE Fellow in 2014 for his contributions
to optimization techniques in cybernetics and video coding. He was the
President of the IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society (SMCS) in
2021-23. Professor Kwong has a prolific publication record with over 350
journal articles, and 160 conference papers with an h-index of 83 based
on Google Scholar. He is currently the associate editor of many leading
IEEE transaction journals. He is a fellow of the US National Academy of
Innovators. and the Hong Kong Academy of Engineering and Sciences.
Prof. Lizhuang Ma
Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
Lizhuang Ma received his B. Sc. and Ph.D. degree at Zhejiang University, China in 1985 and 1991 respectively. Dr. Ma was promoted as Professor in 1995.
He was a visiting Professor at CAMTech, NTU, Singapore from 1999 to 2000. He is now a distinguished Professor and Vice Chair of AI Institute, Shanghai Jiao Tong
University, China. Dr. Ma is the recipient of China National Excellent Young Scientist Foundation, first class member of China National Hundred-Thousand-Ten -thousand Talent
Plan in 1996 and 1997 respectively. He was awarded Shanghai Municipal Science and Technology Progress Award grand prize, first prize and second prize in 2020, 2011 and 2014
respectively. He serves as the chairman of the specialized Committee of Animation and Digital Media, Chinese Society of Image Graphics. His research interests include
computer vision, computer graphics and digital media technology. He has published more than 400 papers include IEEE TPAMI, TIP, CVPR, ICCV.